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キリのクリームチーズと青のりで作るセレブ風プチ前菜 チコリポート

キリ 青のり チコリボート クリームチーズ セレブ 地中海風 プチ前菜


今日は、最近はまっている『キリ Kiri』と青のりのペーストをチコリに塗ってデコレーションを楽しんでみました。










Mediterranean-style appetizer "Chicory Bort," a celebrity-style petite appetizer made with chili cream cheese and green laver

I found chicory at the supermarket, so I made this.
In my experience, chicory can be stored in the refrigerator for more than a month and a half, so it is a convenient vegetable to buy when you see it in the store.
Even if three or so of the leaves on the surface turn light brown and are damaged, the inside is sometimes fine.

Today, I enjoyed decorating chicory with Kiri Kiri and green laver paste, which I am addicted to these days.
It's not cooking anymore, it's more like putting stickers on a child. In a way, it's a different kind of game.
It's very fun, and I hope you enjoy it as much as your children enjoy making sweets.

You can also display more purple cauliflower and apples to decorate your room.
It's almost time for the coming-of-age ceremony, and they are also useful for entertaining.

Baby leaves, which have been making frequent appearances in my blog corner lately, are another convenient vegetable pack. If you rinse them clean and drain them properly, they will keep for a week. Of course, you can store them in a container in the refrigerator. If it is lettuce, some of the torn lettuce will turn brown or purple after a day, and it will not look good. You have no choice but to destroy it. This is not the case with baby leaves. If you are a pain in the ass like Nanai, this may be a good choice for you.


Chicory boats are made by using chicory as a boat and decorating it with various things. First, sprinkle a portion of Kili's cream cheese with a little salt and pepper on both sides. Sprinkle salt and pepper lightly on both sides of the cream cheese. Sprinkle a little green laver on top.
This small amount is good. This is the balance of flavor. The translation says "green leaf," but it is a Japanese seaweed called aonori. You can buy it at organic food stores overseas, and it is relatively affordable. I used this as a base and spread it on the bottom of the chicory with a butter knife.
If you want to make more than 20 chicory boats, use 5 portions, or 4 boats per portion.

Cooking time is about 5 minutes for 4 ships, or 15 minutes for 20 ships. But they are so delicious that they disappear quickly. For mini tomatoes, I recommend Shizuoka vegetables such as Red Ole, or if you don't have them, use mini tomatoes that are as sweet as possible. If you don't have chicory, you can use small lettuce instead. Use kitchen scissors to cut it into a boat shape.




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  3. アボカドオープンサンド
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  6. メキシコ風パーブルカリフラワーとパイナップルピザ
  7. パルメザンチーズとおいしい朝ごはん

  8. パイナップルと紫カリフラワーピザ10

  9. キリのクリームチーズと辛子明太子のスプレッドは絶妙!キリを使って贅沢ピザ!
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  11. 鶏肉のオレンジソースがけ 今が旬のいよかんを使います
  12. キリと青のりと鰹節のコラボレーション和風カナッペ
  13. 鴨のオレンジソースがけ
  14. ベルのクリームチーズで作る バイオレットカリフラワーを使ったトリコロールミニバイト 地中海風アペタイザー
  15. Kiriキリのクリームチーズで作るセレブ風プチ前菜 トリコロールミニバイト 地中海風アペタイザー

  16. 紫カリフラワー豪華うどん4

  17. パープルカリフラワーを使ったおしゃれなトリコロールカラーの地中海風サラダうどん
  18. キリのクリームチーズと青のりで作るセレブ風プチ前菜 チコリポート
  19. 男子でもできる簡単絶品の豚の生姜焼き 地中海風ジンジャーポーク
  20. ジュネーブ風サーモンアボカドサンドイッチの作り方 かんたんでおいしくて本格的
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  22. kyuuriasd12.jpg

  23. セレブの間で人気なレシピ スモークサーモンのキュウリ巻き


